Eureka Discos record label

Eureka Discos was born in 2003. His founder, Fernando Vacas, was born in Córdoba (Andalusia, Spain) has more than fiveteen years …

Later and already in 2010 he would start with Howe Gelb & A Band of Gypsies and his “Alegrías”, a project that combines the flamenco roots with those of American rock, bringing together in his studio in Córdoba Howe Gelb (Giant Sand) and Raimundo Amador.

Then Vacas made his last studio album with Flow, “Echo en México” with which he received the award for the best national independent music production of 2008 and immediately after the “Un Nuevo Orden” of Prin lalá, that was again awarded like the best indepenedant album of 2012 at the MIN Awards.

He has already produced Remedios Amaya con quine and was nominated for the Latin Grammys as the best flamenco album, with soundtracks such as “Tu Hijo” and multiple productions that have never gone unnoticed, including his flamenco opera “A Través de la Luz”. Whether from his alter-egos or from his records as a producer, it is evident that Vacas avoids the trend and leans towards the literature of the timeless.

Eureka is simply real and good music.