From Phoenix, Arizona, the most desert and dusty place in the United States, comes Lonna Kelley, the sweetest and grittiest voice in recent times. This goddaughter of Howe Gelb (Giant Sand), offers with slow and deep step a trip to the very center of Folk-Americana. You will find here the most elaborate, direct, and deep sounds. An album that is impossible not to appreciate, both for its dramatic sound and for its connections with other local references (Giant Sand, Calexico…). Pure folk that drags the boots and makes the hair stand on end. Without a doubt the great revelation of its genre in 2008.
1. I Should Have Known
2. Sank
3. Great Escape
4. If Men Go To Hell
5. Troubles of the World
6. No Bother
7. I Should Be So Happy
8. Whose Side